Why Personal Development is important for your business and how to start improving today!
The power of personal development and growth is invaluable in your business, actually in our lives in general. Whether you are a business woman or not, if you’re a human, you should be making yourself a priority and diving head first into growing in some way, each day. As they say, if we aren’t growing we are dying.
Looking back, I cringe at some of the things I thought and decisions I’ve made. Thankfully, I was given my first personal development book in 2011 and became obsessed with developing into a better version of myself each day since then.
In business, it is especially important to make personal growth and development a part of our daily habits. When we become aware of the fact we aren’t like everyone around us, and we all didn’t come from the same place, it’s easier to peacefully coexist with our clients and colleagues.
We want to have our employees and teams on board with growing themselves as well, so we can create a wave of positive success for our businesses in the generations to come.
Podcasts, Audible, reading a good old paperback, attending business conferences, or leadership events. You need to be taking part in personal development someway, somehow. It can be as inexpensive or expensive as you’d like it to be. Obviously, taking part in some sort of business event or investing in personal life coaching will be on the more expansive end. Whereas driving down to your local thrift store and loading up on personal and business growth books can be a great way to start inexpensively, as the bookshelves are overflowing with amazing resources.
You understand the importance of growing YOU. Now how to put this into play in your daily life?
Schedule it in.
Make it a non-negotiable item on your to do list. Whether you listen to a business podcast while you’re getting ready in the morning or reading a chapter of a good personal development book in the evenings. Make it a priority because YOU are a priority.
Do the hard stuff.
Sometimes growth isn’t easy, it can actually be very “uncomfortable”. I’ve eaten my share of humble pie and worked through my share of issues over the years and it can be ugly, if I’m being honest. But stepping outside of our comfort zones is where the magic happens. Pushing through the hard stuff and rewiring our minds, if you will, takes a huge amount of grit and guts. Once we overcome our setbacks and fears, we will see success and growth in our personal lives as well as our businesses.
Don’t stop. Ever. You will never “arrive”. And if you think you’ve arrived, you will be grabbing a fork and joining me while we eat humble pie together. You can ask the most successful person you know if they ever stopped learning and they would say NO! We learn, we grow, we repeat. We make ourselves successful through the growing of our skills, knowledge and ability to communicate with others.
“We cannot become what we want by remaining who we are.” Max De Pree